I look at the knife, and it glints back at me
And I cant help but wonder how would that feeling be,
Of cold metal against the blue vein,
When finally it would stop the pain.
Red liquid flowing all over the place,
And me finally finding my solace.
That sick relation between the killer and the kill,
That relationship you can have with your own will.
That moment when everything that’s evil,
Joins theirs forces and inside you prevail.
When you see just black and no white,
When it feels its never going to be right,
When you are in that haze of self hatred,
And you have lost everything that's sacred.
When you are happy to hurt, joyous to cry,
When you are too fucking tired to try,
When they can't bring you back,
And the determination your life lacks,
When you are empty, bitter, morose and hollow,
And the trodden roads you don't wanna follow,
You know you can never get what you want,
No matter how much you work, or rave n rant.
When your own don't trust you anymore,
When you know nothing can ever be like before.
You look at the knife and it glints back.
You simply pick it and place it in the rack.
'Coz no matter how fucked up it all seems,
You know there is always a way to redeem.
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